PDPM: Calculating your NTA comorbidity score

Ken BellClient News4 Comments


When looking at the Case Mix Index (CMI) components driving your future PDPM reimbursement, don’t overlook the importance of your non-therapy ancillary (NTA) comorbidity score. In this post, we’ll provide some background on what the NTA comorbidity score is and why it will play a critical role under PDPM. What … Read More

PDPM: 5 common myths debunked

Ken BellClient News2 Comments


On Feb. 19, 2019, SimpleLTC and Patient Pattern offered one of our most anticipated and highest attended webinars to date: “It takes a village: The team approach to PDPM preparation”. (Watch it on demand here.) During the webinar, our experts explained the importance of a strategic team approach to PDPM and … Read More