New in SimpleAnalyzer™: Survey Risk Tool

Ken BellClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

Prepare for a more successful, less painful survey We’re pleased to announce our new SimpleAnalyzer™ Survey Risk Tool, designed to guide you toward a more successful, less painful survey. The new functionality is available to all current SimpleAnalyzer™ users.  The Survey Risk Tool uses approximately 100 risk indicators from each MDS … Read More

QMs update: Preparing for the unfreeze in SimpleAnalyzer™

Ken BellClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

On Dec. 4, CMS issued a memo outlining changes to unfreeze the Five-Star ratings effective on Jan. 27, 2021. CMS plans to update the quality measures using data based on the following data collection periods: Assessment-based QMs through Jun. 30, 2020 Claims-based QMs through Jun. 30, 2020 QRP QMs through … Read More

Updates to the Nursing Home Compare website and Five Star Quality Rating System

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

December 4, 2020, CMS posted QSO 21-06-NH … Updates to the Nursing Home Compare Website and Five Star Quality Rating System. This 3-page QSO memorandum provides updates on the Health Inspection and Quality Measure domains of the Five Star Quality Rating System, and the transition to the new Care Compare … Read More