On-demand webinar: Navigating the PBJ chaos

Ken BellClient News, TrainingLeave a Comment

Changes implemented during the COVID-19 public health emergency have impacted PBJ reporting – from the May 15 deadline waiver to the public publishing of average daily staffing totals. These changes have led to confusion across the skilled nursing industry, with many wondering: Will I eventually need to submit Jan 1-Mar … Read More

CDC releases consolidated COVID-19 testing recommendations

Mary MadisonSkilled NursingLeave a Comment

On Saturday, June 13, 2020, CDC “released consolidated recommendations for COVID-19 testing, including interim testing guidelines for nursing home residents and healthcare personnel, as well as testing strategy options for high-density critical infrastructure workplaces after a COVID-19 case is identified. These recommendations compile and update previous testing guidance. The consolidated … Read More

GAO report: Infection control deficiencies were widespread and persistent in NHs prior to COVID-19 pandemic

Mary MadisonSkilled NursingLeave a Comment

In a May 20, 2020 letter to Congress, specifically to Senator Ron Wyden, the ranking member of the Finance Committee, the Government Accountability Office responded to a request “to examine CMS’s oversight of infection prevention and control protocols and the adequacy of emergency preparedness standards for emerging infectious diseases in … Read More

[On-demand training] Cohorting: Effective management of residents and staff

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled Nursing2 Comments

If you missed the June 11, 2020 third session of the National Nursing Home Training series, the recording and presentation slides are now available. This session is 58 minutes and 15 seconds in length and provided great information on cohorting residents and staff – both necessary to contain COVID-19 in … Read More

Navigating COVID-19: Supporting individuals with dementia and their caregivers

Mary MadisonClient NewsLeave a Comment

The CMS Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office (MMCO) is pleased to announce this training opportunity: The current COVID-19 public health emergency presents new and unique challenges for individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia (ADRD) as well as the family and friends providing care for them. Providers and health plans can … Read More