Recent COVID-19 updates, resources and information

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MLN Matters Number: SE20011 … Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Response to the Public Health Emergency on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) was revised and posted November 9, 2020.  This is a 19-page MLN Matters. Pages 14 through 16 speak to clarification of SNF billing instructions as noted above.  You’ll easily spot the red ink … Read More

CMS NH COVID-19 data posted for week ending November 1, 2020

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CMS has just posted the COVID-19 data for nursing homes for week ending November 1, 2020. Want to keep up with the changing COVID-19 situation in skilled nursing? Subscribe to the Briggs blogCMS has just posted the COVID-19 data for nursing homes for week ending November 1, 2020. Want to keep up … Read More

Upcoming COVID-19 webinars and others you may be interested in

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2 NHSN Webinars – Same Topic – Different Dates Topic: Reporting Results of Point of Care Testing for COVID-19: A New NHSN Pathway Date: Thursday, Nov 12, 2020 Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM EST After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Topic: Reporting Results of … Read More

CMS COVID-19 county positivity rates for November 10, 2020 posted

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The most recent COVID-19 county positivity rates are posted here – November 10, 2020. There are many more red zones on this posting than previously.  For example, my home state of IA has 94 red zones and 5 yellow zones.  There are no green zones currently. Remember that you must … Read More