Maximize California WQIP performance and payments
SNF success in California requires accurate control of WQIP measures.
California’s new Workforce Quality Incentive Program (WQIP) replaces QASP beginning in 2023
Did you know your Quality Measure performance from 2022 is already impacting your current WQIP score? And that your Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) data will also affect your overall WQIP reimbursement rate? With the latest changes, understanding the new WQIP measures, data sources, and timelines is more important than ever.
With SimpleAnalyzer™ WQIP analytics, you can:
- Predict WQIP incentive payments
- Analyze individual QM performance
- Pinpoint areas for rapid improvement
- Drill down to resident-level QM data
The SimpleAnalyzer™ California WQIP analytics module displays predictive insights within your QM data from MDS submissions in real time, so you can accurately forecast incentive payouts and proactively identify opportunities for optimizing WQIP reimbursement.
When combined with the power of SimpleAnalyzer™ and SimplePBJ™, California SNFs have everything needed for WQIP success. Sign up for your free demo today.
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