[Webinar] What’s your HIPAA risk? Learn the top 5 myths

Download webinar handoutsDid you know that all post-acute organizations — including skilled nursing facilities and home health agencies — are responsible for maintaining HIPAA compliance standards? Did you know that 2019 set a record high for number of patient records compromised in data breaches? Protecting health information is everyone’s responsibility and is especially … Read More

PBJ reporting waiver ends

Jenn FeigeClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

CMS has ended the PBJ staffing data submission waiver included in the COVID-19 emergency blanket waiver. In a letter released June 25, CMS announced that facilities are once again required to submit their April–June PBJ data by the normal August 14 deadline.  CMS also decided NOT to require the submission … Read More

[Webinar] Facing the aftermath of COVID-19: How to manage the trauma and rebuild your team

Download webinar handoutsThe coronavirus pandemic has caused emotional distress in nearly all who are impacted by it, but especially in front line staff. In this enlightening webinar, you’ll learn how to identify trauma, best practices for team building, and strategies to implement a trauma-informed care approach. Dr. Figlerski with TeamHealth will … Read More

QSO 20-34-NH posted – Numerous items you need to know (PBJ is one of them)

Mary MadisonClient NewsLeave a Comment

The actual subject title of QSO-20-34-NH is this: Changes to Staffing Information and Quality Measures Posted on the Nursing Home Compare Website and Five Star Quality Rating System due to the COVID19 Public Health Emergency  That’s a mouthful.  Here’s the CMS-provided summary of its contents: I’m going to point out … Read More

Major organizational change to reduce provider and clinician burden and improve patient outcomes

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

On Tuesday, June 23, 2020, CMS announced the “creation of the Office of Burden Reduction and Health Informatics to unify the agency’s efforts to reduce regulatory and administrative burden and to further the goal of putting patients first. The new office is an outgrowth of the agency’s Patients over Paperwork … Read More