Coronavirus commission for safety and quality in NHs accepting industry comments

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

This Commission is seeking public comments on best practices from the LTC industry, but you have a limited window to submit your comments – 5pm (ET) on Friday, July 17, 2020. The announcement came late in the day on July 9, 2020.  The Public Engagement portal looks like this: If … Read More

QSO-20-28-NH … revised

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

Late in the afternoon of July 9, 2020, CMS posted a revised Nursing Home Five Star Quality Rating System updates, Nursing Home Staff Counts, Frequently Asked Questions, and Access to Ombudsman.  This is a 16-page QSO notification. Be sure to review the entire memorandum as well as the FAQ – … Read More

Recent COVID-19 information and updates

Mary MadisonClient NewsLeave a Comment

Today’s blog is a digest of recent postings related to COVID-19. FDA Warns Consumers of Risk of Methanol Contamination in Certain Hand Sanitizers This is a July 2, 2020 update.  The “FDA is warning consumers and health care providers that the agency has seen a sharp increase in hand sanitizer … Read More

Managing staffing challenges – 7th in national NH training series

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

Topic: Managing Staffing Challenges Date: Thursday, July 9, 2020 Time: 4:00 – 5:00 PM ET Advance Registration Required: Register Here.  Open to nursing home leaders, clinical and administrative staff members and others interested in nursing home infection prevention in the era of COVID-19. Note: Once you register, you will receive … Read More

[On-demand webinar] Facing the aftermath of COVID-19: How to manage the trauma and rebuild a team

Ken BellClient News, Training3 Comments

The coronavirus pandemic has caused emotional distress in nearly all who are impacted by it, but especially in front line staff. In this enlightening webinar, you’ll learn how to identify trauma, best practices for team building, and strategies to implement a trauma-informed care approach. Dr. Figlerski with TeamHealth will address … Read More