Data Defenders: How to represent your MDS & facility data in the courtroom

“Document everything.” We’ve all heard this advice, but what lies behind this skilled nursing mantra?

In legal cases, plaintiff attorneys and other external stakeholders could use your publicly available data to support allegations against your facility and coworkers. Anyone who manages facility data — from MDS professionals to DONs to Administrators — may be called on to testify or defend your documentation.

To effectively respond to litigation, facilities need a defensible, data-driven response. That’s why accuracy and thoroughness in documentation is critical. Sloppy data may come back to haunt you, and courtroom drama is best left to your favorite TV show.

What you say (and what you document) CAN be used against you – or in your favor. In this webinar, you'll hear real-world nursing home legal cases and data defense strategies. You’ll also leave with practical suggestions to increase trust and mitigate risk at your facility.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to identify data and metrics often used and misunderstood by external stakeholders
  • Real-world cases where data was weaponized and effective data-driven responses to those allegations
  • Effective risk mitigation strategies for your publicly available data

Intended for:

  • MDS Coordinators, DONs and Administrators
  • Facility/Corporate Risk Managers
  • Anyone responsible for SNF data integrity

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