New turnover measures are in place - are you ready for the Feb 14 deadline?

Payroll-Based Journal reporting for Q1 2023 (reporting period Oct 1-Dec 31) is due to CMS by Tuesday, Feb 14.

Learn to protect your overall Five-Star rating and how your PBJ data will be used in the new survey guidance. Plus, get your specific PBJ questions answered, so you can feel prepared for the Feb 14 deadline.

Your speakers

Nate Hoard
Senior PBJ Specialist | Simple

With over a decade of healthcare software experience, Nate brings his expertise to the Payroll-Based Journal community, providing PBJ guidance for thousands of nursing facilities each quarter.

Josh Miller
Client Alignment Executive | Simple

Josh has more than a decade of experience helping Simple clients get the most from their data solutions. He also serves as a trainer and consultant for thousands of SNFs across the country.