QSO-21-07-Psych Hospital, PRTF & ICF/IID was issued December 17, 2020. [COVID-19 Infection Control for Psychiatric and Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICFs/IID)]

The first 3 pages of this 15-page document is the QSO memorandum followed 12 pages of FAQs relating to these topics:
- Addressing Refusal or Reluctance to COVID-19 Modifications
- Supports for Successful Discharge and Transfer
- Discharges/Transitions to a Community Provider
- Challenging Behaviors, and Seclusion and Restraint
- Seclusion and Restraint Resources
- Medicaid and Other Federal Resources
- Staff Training and Environmental Modifications
- Behavioral Health Resources
Additional resources are available as well on the last 2 pages of the QSO.
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