Residents’ right to retain federal economic incentive payments

Mary MadisonClient News, TrainingLeave a Comment

In case you missed it, CMS issued this Press Release on Thursday, June 11, 2020 (bolding and italics added by me): “The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is aware of allegations that some nursing homes are seizing residents economic impact payments (or “Stimulus Checks”) authorized under the CARES … Read More

[On-demand webinar] Telehealth: What it is and what it’s not during the COVID-19 PHE

Ken BellClient News, TrainingLeave a Comment

Telehealth or Telecommunications? What is permissible during the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency? Due to COVID-19, the skilled nursing industry has had to cram years of telehealth information in the last several weeks. This has left many struggling to understand telehealth principles such as… Definitions and descriptions The regulatory and … Read More

[On-demand webinar] COVID-19: The latest updates from the front lines

Ken BellClient News, TrainingLeave a Comment

Our previous webinar with Dr. Buslovich and Dr. Wasserman was one of our highest attended webinars ever.  In this follow-up live event, you’ll hear the latest COVID-19 updates based on the front-line experience of two well-known physicians from both coasts. Don’t miss this live webinar, covering a wide range of … Read More

[On-demand webinar] Taking GG from good to great: Capturing true baseline and discharge status

Ken BellClient News, Training16 Comments

Without a full picture, how can you optimize patient outcomes? Although Section GG is a significant driver for reimbursement, it’s commonly overlooked. We often miss documenting key areas such as baseline, discharge and goal data. You know the saying… “you can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Join SimpleLTC and Quality … Read More

[On-demand webinar] COVID-19: Strategy and perspective from the front lines

Ken BellClient News, Training4 Comments

As COVID-19 began to spread, the focus was on hospitals in the scramble to ensure adequate staffing, beds, equipment, and resources to care for coronavirus patients. In an ill-advised move to help address this, CA and NY State officials announced that nursing homes couldn’t refuse patients coming from the hospital, … Read More