Gotchas to watch for in PBJ audits

Ken BellSkilled NursingLeave a Comment

PBJ Audits are a key part of the Staffing Five Star methodology going forward based on the details shared by CMS with State Survey Agency Directors on how they will use Payroll-Based Journal data for Staffing Five Star measures. Download the full memo here. Here’s what to watch for in preparing your PBJ … Read More

A better way to predict rehospitalization

Ken BellClient News, Skilled Nursing4 Comments

A better way to predict rehospitalization

Just looking at SNF resident symptoms and risk factors is not enough to predict rehospitalization, according to a recent independent study. The research, funded by the CMS Innovation Center, was designed to help SNFs and hospitals understand why long-term care residents are rehospitalized. Diagnoses such as heart failure or urinary … Read More