FDA, CMS, CDC and OIG COVID-19 updates for 1st 2 weeks of June 2020

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

CDC updated the following COVID-19 guidance during the 1st two (2) weeks of June: Using Telehealth to Expand Access to Essential Health Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic Updated Clinical Questions about COVID-19: Questions and Answers NHSN LTCF Guide to Using the COVID-19 Module The OIG (Office of Inspector General) posted … Read More

[On-demand training] Cohorting: Effective management of residents and staff

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled Nursing2 Comments

If you missed the June 11, 2020 third session of the National Nursing Home Training series, the recording and presentation slides are now available. This session is 58 minutes and 15 seconds in length and provided great information on cohorting residents and staff – both necessary to contain COVID-19 in … Read More

PDPM Boosts Medicare Rate 9% Early in COVID-19 Crisis: ‘RUGS-IV Would Have Been a Fiscal Disaster’

Ken BellSkilled NursingLeave a Comment

Skilled nursing facilities received a 9% Medicare reimbursement boost during the early days of the COVID-19 crisis under the new Patient-Driven Patient Model, a new analysis has determined — providing a crucial fiscal lifeline that may not have existed under the structure that PDPM replaced. “RUG-IV would have been a … Read More

Posting of nursing home inspections

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

On June 4, 2020, CMS posted QSO-20-32.  Read my blog on that notification here.  The subject matter of that QSO is the Release of COVID-19 Nursing Home Data.  Later that same day, another QSO was posted:  QSO 20-33-NH … Posting of Nursing Home Inspections. This seems to be the difference between … Read More

BREAKING NEWS: Nursing home COVID-19 data and inspections results available on Nursing Home Compare

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

“Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is posting the first set of underlying coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) nursing home data. On April 19, 2020, CMS announced the requirement that nursing homes to inform residents, their families, and their representatives of COVID-19 cases in their facilities. In addition … Read More