PBJ update: Goodbye, self-reported census!

Jenn FeigeClient News2 Comments

When CMS first implemented PBJ, facilities self-reported their census data for Five-Star staffing calculations. Since April 2018,  CMS has automatically calculated the census instead. While facilities could still report their census, CMS did not use the data in its Five-Star staffing calculations. A January 9 update to PBJ Data Submission Specifications now states CMS will … Read More

Guess when Simple hits 30 million MDS submissions…win cool prizes!

Ken BellClient News, Company6 Comments

Submit your best guess… win cool prizes!We say over and over again that we love our customers. One reason is that they help us reach new heights. Thank you, customers! With your help, SimpleLTC is quickly nearing the 30 million mark for individual MDS assessments transmitted to CMS. Your confidence has … Read More