Toolkit on state actions to mitigate COVID-19 in NH … Version 9

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

CMS has released Toolkit on State Actions to Mitigate COVID-19 Prevalence in Nursing Homes – Version 9 on September 8, 2020. This document is a compilation of actions employed by organizations, including state governments, in the United States and outlying territories to assist nursing homes in meeting the needs of nursing home … Read More

Taking care of you

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

COVID-19 has caused major life disruptions. In our lifetime, we have never dealt with so many variables impacting ourselves and our families. For residents of long-term care facilities, restrictions have been imposed on visitation and on some daily activities.  For family caregivers, it’s important to take care of yourself so … Read More

CMS posts updated COVID-19 positivity test rates

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled Nursing2 Comments

CMS has posted the most recent data for positive COVID-19 test rates in U.S. counties.  The date of this posting is September 8, 2020 for the week ending September 2nd.  Providers should use this data set for staff testing going forward until the next updated data is posted by CMS – 1st and … Read More

QRP COVID-19 public reporting tip sheets

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

The purpose of the tip sheet is to help providers understand the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) public reporting strategy for the quality reporting program (QRP) to account for CMS quality data submissions that were optional and excepted from public reporting due to the COVID-19 public health emergency … Read More

COVID-19: Optimizing healthcare protective equipment and supplies (Webinar)

Mary MadisonClient News, TrainingLeave a Comment

COVID-19: Optimizing Healthcare Protective Equipment and Supplies There has been a large increase in the need for healthcare personal protective equipment (PPE) and specialty supplies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This increase in demand has led to shortages in PPE and changes in how PPE is used and optimized. ASPR … Read More