[Live training, Feb 25] Getting the most from your MDS scrubber rules in SimpleAnalyzer™

Ken BellClient News, Skilled Nursing, Training6 Comments

Learn critical MDS scrubber strategies in our live training session Did you know most skilled nursing facilities miss out on important reimbursement and quality improvement opportunities — even if they are using an MDS scrubber? In today’s PDPM world, pre-transmission MDS scrubbing is more critical than ever for improving MDS … Read More

PBJ update: Goodbye, self-reported census!

Jenn FeigeClient News2 Comments

When CMS first implemented PBJ, facilities self-reported their census data for Five-Star staffing calculations. Since April 2018,  CMS has automatically calculated the census instead. While facilities could still report their census, CMS did not use the data in its Five-Star staffing calculations. A January 9 update to PBJ Data Submission Specifications now states CMS will … Read More