CMS issues Interim Final Rule

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled Nursing2 Comments

Below is a repost of a Briggs article written by Mary Madison, RN, RAC-CT, CDP, Clinical Consultant, Briggs Healthcare. Late in the afternoon of April 30, 2020, CMS issued the Interim Final Rule.  This is a must-read so sit down and get started! “The policies in this IFC are applicable beginning on March 1, … Read More

The COVID Effect: A Comparative Analysis of April 2020 Medicare SNF Claims

Ken BellSkilled NursingLeave a Comment

The human mind is a poor processer of large numbers (“large” in this case is any figure with more than two digits). Accounting for fatalities from 1918’s influenza pandemic is, unfortunately, a logical place to begin a discussion about this evolutionary shortcoming. As curiosity naturally piqued interest about that strain’s … Read More

[FAQ] Your GG questions answered

Ken BellClient NewsLeave a Comment

On Tuesday, April 21, 2020, SimpleLTC and Quality Rehab Management (QRM) hosted a live webinar on Section GG, covering how to document baseline and discharge data accurately and completely in order to improve quality measures and PDPM performance. Based on questions asked during the webinar, QRM prepared this follow-up FAQ … Read More

[On-demand webinar] Taking GG from good to great: Capturing true baseline and discharge status

Ken BellClient News, Training16 Comments

Without a full picture, how can you optimize patient outcomes? Although Section GG is a significant driver for reimbursement, it’s commonly overlooked. We often miss documenting key areas such as baseline, discharge and goal data. You know the saying… “you can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Join SimpleLTC and Quality … Read More

CMS UPDATE: New guidance on PBJ reporting waiver

Ken BellClient NewsLeave a Comment

SimpleLTC has received new details from CMS regarding its recent PBJ reporting waiver. The original PBJ reporting waiver (issued two weeks ago) stated that nursing facilities do not have to submit Q1 (Jan. 1–Mar. 31) data by May 15. We reached out to CMS for additional clarification, which CMS provided … Read More