Major organizational change to reduce provider and clinician burden and improve patient outcomes

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

On Tuesday, June 23, 2020, CMS announced the “creation of the Office of Burden Reduction and Health Informatics to unify the agency’s efforts to reduce regulatory and administrative burden and to further the goal of putting patients first. The new office is an outgrowth of the agency’s Patients over Paperwork … Read More

CMS-R-131 ABN form renewed

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

The ABN, Form CMS-R-131, and form instructions have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for renewal.  The use of the renewed form with the expiration date of 06/30/2023 will be mandatory on 8/31/2020.  The ABN form and instructions may be found at:  The previous form … Read More

Fiscal year 2020 CARES Act information updated

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

CMS updated this 5-page Admin Info: 20-07-ALL notification on June 19, 2020.  The original was posted April 30, 2020. “On March 4, 2020, CMS called for States to focus surveys on infection control and on March 23, 2020 provided a streamlined tool to facilitate these efforts. There is currently wide variation in … Read More

Infection prevention/control training: What your SNF needs to do NOW

Ken BellClient News, TrainingLeave a Comment

Overall, nursing homes in the U.S. have done well at keeping COVID-19 out of their facilities but we still have lots of work to do in terms of infection prevention and control in our facilities. The statistics are sobering – to date, approximately 26,000 residents and 450 LTC workers have died … Read More

5th national nursing home training session: PPE strategies for COVID care

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) strategies for COVID care When: Thursday, June 25, 2020 Time: 4:00 – 5:00 pm ET Registration Required: Register HERE Objectives Following this call, participants will understand why using personal protective equipment (PPE) is necessary for infection prevention and will be able to describe how to properly use it. … Read More