ASPR TRACIE posts staffing playbook to address HCW shortages

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Staffing Playbook: Actions to Address Healthcare Worker (HCW) Shortages during COVID-19 consolidates several references aimed at addressing pandemic-related staffing challenges. The second page of the Playbook has action steps and resources. Want to keep up with the changing COVID-19 situation in skilled nursing? Subscribe to the Briggs blogStaffing Playbook: Actions to … Read More

Recent COVID-19 updates, resources and information

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MLN Matters Number: SE20011 … Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Response to the Public Health Emergency on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) was revised and posted November 9, 2020.  This is a 19-page MLN Matters. Pages 14 through 16 speak to clarification of SNF billing instructions as noted above.  You’ll easily spot the red ink … Read More

CMS NH COVID-19 data posted for week ending November 1, 2020

Mary MadisonClient NewsLeave a Comment

CMS has just posted the COVID-19 data for nursing homes for week ending November 1, 2020. Want to keep up with the changing COVID-19 situation in skilled nursing? Subscribe to the Briggs blogCMS has just posted the COVID-19 data for nursing homes for week ending November 1, 2020. Want to keep up … Read More

Updates to Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) claims

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

MLN Matters Number: MM11992 was posted November 6, 2020 with same title as this blog. This MLN Matters Article is for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) and hospital swing bed providers billing Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) for services provided to Medicare beneficiaries.  This article informs you of an update to SNF Patient-Driven … Read More

Quarterly PBJ contest winners

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Every quarter, we provide a fun incentive for submitting your PBJ report early. If a SimplePBJ™ customer submitted their PBJ report to CMS before Nov. 3, they were automatically entered to win one of five $100 Target gift cards. Thanks to everyone who submitted in advance! The winners are… Facility … Read More