Nursing home staffing data – quarter 3, 2020

Mary MadisonClient NewsLeave a Comment

AS RESIDENT POPULATION SHRINKS, NURSING HOMES REMAIN UNDERSTAFFED is the “subtitle” of the alert email I received on Friday, January 22, 2021 from the Long Term Care Community Coalition. January 22, 2021 – Staffing levels are a key predictor of nursing home resident outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies show that facilities with … Read More

More than half of nursing homes missing out on PDPM, could lead to deals: expert

Ken BellSkilled NursingLeave a Comment

The federal government’s second-year Medicare payment system for nursing homes continues to be a boon for them, especially under pandemic conditions, but more than half are missing rightful reimbursements. Such conditions may make 2021 a particularly good time for investors to go into acquisition mode. Those are some of the … Read More