[On-demand webinar] Psychotropic medication: Achieving a successful survey

Ken BellClient News, Skilled Nursing, TrainingLeave a Comment

Will your current psychotropic medication practices result in a successful survey? Psychotropic medication management continues to be a significant focus of CMS guidance and DOH Surveys. The role of the prescriber has shifted from prescribing medications to a more conservative approach of de-prescribing psychotropic medications where appropriate. Your facility’s effective … Read More

Weekends are now made for PBJ

Ken BellSkilled NursingLeave a Comment

In its recent letter to State Survey directors, CMS announced an increased focus on nurse staffing levels and sharing of Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) data with state survey agencies. States will be notified of underperforming facilities, for issues including: Facilities with “low” nurse staffing on weekends Facilities showing days without an … Read More

Meal breaks eating away at Star ratings

Ken BellSkilled NursingLeave a Comment

With the latest update to the PBJ Policy Manual, CMS makes very clear its rules on removing meal breaks from Payroll-Based Journal reports. Take note: ALWAYS remove 30 minutes for lunch in your PBJ reports. Even when your staff works through lunch, those 30 minutes CANNOT be reported. CMS explicitly details the PBJ meal … Read More