PDPM: 1 important thing to begin doing now

Ken BellClient News, Skilled Nursing16 Comments

Beginning Oct. 1, 2019, the new Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) will shift the way your skilled nursing facility is reimbursed for Medicare A services. PDPM will replace the current RUG-IV system, introducing a whole new way to calculate SNF reimbursement. The current RUG-IV system incentivizes the use of therapy minutes … Read More

Psychotropic Medication FAQ: Achieving a successful survey

Ken BellClient News, Skilled Nursing, TrainingLeave a Comment

SimpleLTC Psychotropic Medication and Surveys Webinar FAQ

On Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018, SimpleLTC partnered with TeamHealth to offer one of our most highly anticipated webinars ever: Psychotropic Medication: Achieving a successful survey. During the webinar, industry experts Dr. Robert Figlerski and Ms. Elizabeth Borntrager discussed psychotropic medication, which continues to be a significant focus of CMS guidance … Read More