SPADEs webinar: Your questions answered!

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On Tues, Jan. 28, 2020, SimpleLTC and Broad River Rehab offered a free webinar, “RAI manual revisions: The name of the new game is SPADEs", covering standardized patient assessment data elements (SPADEs), the IMPACT Act, and more.

Based on questions asked during the webinar, industry expert Joel VanEaton, BSN, RN, RAC-CT MT, prepared this follow-up FAQ document.

What’s covered in the FAQ?

The FAQ answers dozens of questions, including:

  • Which new sections are only on PPS MDS item sets vs. all item sets including OBRA?
  • Is section GG ONLY done by all post-acute care settings? Is the hospital also doing it?
  • On new section N for medications, what is meant by "indication noted"?
  • Would the race and ethnicity be an optional area if the resident does not desire to share that information?
  • Will Section G be eliminated from all MDS assessments or for only Medicare?
  • Is there any insight into how the removal of section G will impact the three five-star quality measures that calculate based on section G?
  • And many more

Download FAQ now

To download the FAQ and access the webinar resources, click below and complete the form on the registration page. Once you do, you can download the FAQ immediately.

Download FAQ document

About our expert

Joel VanEaton, BSN, RN, RAC-CT MT, is the VP of Compliance and Regulatory Affairs at Broad River Rehab. A veteran of long-term care, Joel began his career as an MDS coordinator and worked for many years as the Director of Clinical Reimbursement and RAI for a group of nursing facilities in Tennessee and Kentucky. He is passionate about helping organizations navigate the complex reimbursement and regulatory landscape in LTC so they will be better equipped to provide increasing quality of care to their residents. Joel has contributed to McKnight’s LTC News, AANAC LTC Leader, PPS Alert Magazine and is a regular contributor to the Nursing & Assisted Living Facility Professional. He is also a regular presenter for the Georgia Healthcare Association and is one of only 34 AANAC certified Master Teachers.

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