As our Texas customers are probably aware, Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will be implementing several Medicaid initiatives related to changes to the STAR and STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care programs.
We’re betting you have questions. Like maybe…
- What kind of changes?
- What are STAR and STAR+PLUS?
- What are the new provider requirements?
- How will it affect my workflow?
HHSC has scheduled several information sessions across Texas in November and December to answer to offer information and respond to provider questions. The morning session will be directed towards acute care and long-term services and supports providers. The afternoon session will be directed towards consumers, families, and other stakeholders.
The sessions for November and December are scheduled for Tyler, Nacogdoches, Texarkana, Belton, Waco, Odessa, and Abilene. Additional sessions are scheduled for around the state in 2014.