Personalizing Patient Care: How to use your data to enhance patient satisfaction & HHCAHPS

It's time for a fresh take on patient satisfaction! Home Health Care CAHPS Survey (HHCAHPS) scores are vital to the success of your agency, but this isn’t just about achieving good ratings on Care Compare. Patient satisfaction is also about meeting patient needs and helping them achieve positive outcomes.

That’s why personalized care is your best friend in the world of HHCAHPS. Patient-centered care plans help improve the patient experience and drive positive outcomes, ultimately boosting your Care Compare ratings.

In this webinar, we provide actionable, data-driven tips for personalizing your care plans and utilizing patient feedback to create memorable patient experiences. It’s time to embrace the connect between patient satisfaction and personalized care!

Learning objectives:

1. Explore effective strategies for enhancing patient experience in home health.
2. Understand how patient-centered care can boost HHCAHPS scores & improve outcomes.
3. Gain insights into leveraging patient feedback for continuous improvement in satisfaction.

Please register to access the webinar recording and handouts…