Industry-leading solutions for post-acute analytics
Predictive analytics for MDS, PBJ and Claims
Your complete solution suite for reimbursement, referrals and regulatory compliance.
SimpleComplete™ includes everything you need to build census, improve compliance and optimize reimbursement. From census to staffing to reimbursement, SimpleComplete™ gives you the full spectrum of insights needed to thrive in an ever-changing regulatory environment.
Optimize MDS accuracy, QMs, Five-Star and PDPM reimbursement using real-time data analytics.
Create a complete PBJ report from all your data sources. Find and fix errors and audit triggers, update data as needed, and create an audit trail of changes. Then submit your PBJ file to CMS with a single click.
OASIS-E compliance for home health
SimpleConnect™ for Home Health
One simple solution to analyze, scrub and submit OASIS-E files.
Scrub and submit OASIS-E batches for complete compliance. Customize rules and data checks, simplify reporting, and automate iQIES submission.
SimpleAnalyzer™ for Home Health
Real-time analytics for optimizing OASIS-E, Five-Star and VBP results.
Predictive data analytics will help you improve quality ratings, optimize PDGM reimbursement, reduce rehospitalizations, automate reporting, and more.
State analytics and quality measures
California WQIP analytics
Florida QIP analytics
Maximize Florida quality incentive payments.
Provides easy access to predictive data within your quality measures. Real-time metrics include resident data up to your most recently submitted MDS assessments.
Ohio OQIP Analytics
Maximize Ohio Quality Indicator payouts.
Predict Ohio Quality Indicator Program payments by facility or year. Compare real-time performance to 60th percentile goals and target areas for rapid improvement.
Texas QIPP Analytics
Maximize Texas QIPP quality incentive payouts.
Predict QIPP quarterly payments by company/facility. Analyze individual QIPP metrics and performance levels, and pinpoint areas for rapid QIPP improvement.
SimpleCFS™ for Texas
Texas Medicaid analytics and LTCMI/PASRR forms.
Simplify Texas Medicaid and improve reimbursement. Streamline LTCMI, 3618/3619, PASRR and MCO notification forms. Trusted by 90%+ of Texas facilities.