Understanding your therapy relationships can save you money and frustration.

Whether you’re changing therapy contractors, renewing a current contract, or considering an in-house conversion, there are hidden pitfalls you should look out for to ensure that you receive the best possible contract for your facility and residents.

In this webinar, you’ll learn to identify and avoid those hidden pitfalls, mitigate risk, and create the best possible scenario for your facility’s therapy partnerships.


  • Identify 5 pitfalls in therapy contracts that aren’t always obvious
  • Understand the therapy indemnification clause and what it covers in case of denial
  • Identify opportunities for negotiation to save on costs and generate revenue
  • Learn the hidden costs of exiting a therapy contract and how to keep your options open for the future

Your speaker

Mark McDavid, OTR, RAC-CT, CHC
Owner, Seagrove Rehab Partners

Mark McDavid has an accomplished career in long-term care, with an emphasis in rehab operations management and regulatory compliance. He has become a sought-after source in regards to regulatory compliance, documentation, PDPM, MDS, and MPPR. His knowledge and its application to business strategies has earned national recognition, including appointment to the AANAC’s Expert Advisory Panel and he served two terms on the NARA Board of Directors, where he continues to chair the national SNF workgroup.