Explore the new friendship: VBP + QRP

Until now, Value-Based Purchasing for nursing homes has been centered around just one metric: rehospitalizations. Some believe the single metric, along with the associated 2% rate adjustment, is not enough to incentivize quality. Others have indicated there should be additional measures added to the SNF VBP.

CMS is moving forward with adding up to nine new quality measures to the SNF VBP. In this presentation, you’ll gain a better understanding of the new friendship between VBP and QRP and how, for the first time, resident voices will be included.

What you’ll learn:

  • SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) review
  • SNF Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) review
  • What’s changing, combined SNF VBP and QRP (FY 2023 Proposed Rule)
  • Healthcare Associated Infections, Staffing, Discharge to the Community and Resident Reported Outcomes in the spotlight
  • Revised VBP incentive multiplier
  • Measures under consideration
  • Q&A

About your expert

Joel VanEaton, BSN, RN, RAC-CTA, Master Teacher

Executive VP, PAC Regulatory Affairs and Education | Broad River Rehab

Joel began his career in LTC as an MDS coordinator and worked for many years as the Director of Clinical  Reimbursement and RAI for a group of nursing facilities across the southeast. Joel has contributed to McKnight’s LTC News and the AAPACN Leader for the NAC. He currently serves on the AAPACN Expert Advisory Panel and as a board member on the AAPACN Education Foundation. Joel presents regularly on all subjects related  to the MDS, clinical reimbursement, state and federal regulation.

Presented by

Broad River Rehab
SimpleLTC, a Netsmart solution